Love God. Love People. Serve the World.
Serving is the heartbeat of CP. Whether it’s using your talents on a CP Serve Team, joining a mission’s team, or volunteering in the community, there are many ways to actively be the hands and feet of Jesus while growing in community with one another.
Join a Serve Team
There are many opportunities at Centerpointe for you to use your gifts and abilities! Our Serve Teams are a vital part of making the vision of CP happen. When you join a Serve Team, YOU get to tangibly join the journey of reaching the lost in Fairfax and the world while serving alongside other believers.

Global Missions at CP
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." Matthew 28:19-20
Reaching the peoples of the World with the Good News about Jesus is the essence of the Heart of God. He paid the price with the life of His Son Jesus for everyone in the World to be redeemed. Because of the Great Commission we support missionaries throughout the World. This means that some will go as missionaries, and some will stay and support them in prayer and with giving. We encourage short-term missions trips for all church members to get a taste of the missions field.
For more info, contact us at info@centerpointechurch.com
Community Resources
At Centerpointe we have a mission to change our community and impact the world. One of the ways we accomplish that mission is through partnerships with organizations and businesses in Fairfax that provide resources to those in need in our neighborhoods. Below are links to their websites and contact information. If you have any questions please contact us in the Church Office, 703-591-4284.
FACETS in Fairfax, VA
FACETS "helps people meet their emergency shelter, food, and medical needs, helps them gain safe, sustainable and permanent housing and works with them to end the cycle of poverty through educational, life skills and career counseling programs."
House of Mercy in Manassas, VA
House of Mercy is headquartered in Manassas, Virginia and provides humanitarian assistance to those suffering from poverty.
Her PLAN (Her Pregnancy and Life Assistance Network) facilitates collaboration between assistance providers and their communities to empower women and families through comprehensive medical, social, and material support.
Safe Harbor in Chantilly, VA
Safe Harbor Christian Counseling serves local communities by providing Christian-based, clinically-sound counseling so that people experience recovery and emotional healing.
Fairfax Community Service Board | Crisis Intervention
24-Hour CSB Emergency Services
Phone: (703) 573-5679
Food Bank: Western Fairfax Christian Ministries
As an expression of God’s love and a demonstration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, Western Fairfax Christian Ministries provides food and financial support to those at risk of hunger and homelessness.