
Matthew 5 describes what Kingdom living looks like. It is the beginning of the best-known part of Jesus’ teaching we call The Beatitudes. It is within this text we find the foundation of the Christian value-system, all of which are presented in paradoxical form. They don’t make sense on the surface, but when we dive deeper, we see Jesus presenting us a new way of life, and if followed, will bring us to a state of being blessed.

Blessed Are


The Meek

Week 1: June 21


The Merciful

Week 5: July 19

Those Who Mourn

Week 2: June 28


The Pure in Heart

Week 6: July 26

The Poor in Spirit

Week 3: July 5


The Peacemakers

Week 7: August 2

Who Hunger & Thirst

Week 4: July 12


The Persecuted

Week 8: August 9


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par·​a·​dox·​ol·​o·​gy | \ -jē \ plural -es

noun. a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.